Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Messages From Heaven - Lao Tzu

My Dearest and Most Beloved Ones,
You are each in my heart.

I am your spiritual father and look over you always.

My teaching about Tao being like water will serve you very much at this time, as the transition accelerates on mother earth.

Be gentle and flexible when resistance is coming at you.

Respond like a reed in the wind, bending to the wind, not standing against it.

This is how you can develop deeper humanity, in accepting what is, and working with the forces of nature.

Be still in your heart. 
In the silence is the greatest reward of wisdom and enlightenment.

You are truly blessed
Your beloved Lao Tzu


  1. Thank you, Master Maya...clear, concise, and so very powerful a teaching!

    Greatest Gratitude and Greatest Love


  2. Beautiful sharing from our most beloved Lao Tzu. Thank you for this encouraging message with beautiful images easy to remember and to model our behavior, and much more. LYLYLY. TYTYTY.

  3. Thank you so much Master Maya, Lao Tzu! I am so honored to receive this teaching. It came exactly at the right moment in time, I am extremly grateful!

    With deep love and appreciation

  4. Dearest Master Maya, Thank You with all my heart for this sharing and teaching from Lao Tzu, My earthly father in this lifetime used to offer the advice about 'being like a reed in the bend with it not go against it"... I just now realized that he was quoting Lao Tzu. Countless Bowdowns to my Spiritual Father, Lao Tzu, My earthly father and my most Beloved Spiriutal Mother Quan Yin, All my love and devotion,

    1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Love you, Love you, Love you

  5. Thank you beloved Master Maya for sharing Lao Tzi priceless teaching! LY LY LY CB CB CB

  6. Thank you so much our beloved Master Maya. This is a profound message. We are so blessed to have you to guide us and teach us. TY TY TY CBD CBD CBD

  7. Thank You Master Maya and Lao Tzu for reminders to be in Divine Flexibility even now. LU LU LU TY TY TY.

  8. Thank you Master Maya.
    This is so beautiful.
    I love you.

  9. Thank you so much dear beloved Master Maya for this message. When I saw the photo of Lao Tzu I was deeply touched and I started to cry. I was in deep love and memories with Lao Tzu. - Ty Ty Ty, I can not thank you enough. Love you so much, Cbd Cbd Cbd.

  10. Thank you Master Maya, Thank you Lao Tzu. I love you both<3

  11. Thank you Master Maya, Thank you Lao Tzu for such a beautiful teaching the wind blew on my face through the window as I was reading this and everything outside went still I could just hear the trees moving with the wind it made me smile as they were being gentle and flexible with the strong wind pushing on them it was amazing to be shown this as I was reading the words, such a profound experience thank you I love you with all of my heart and soul with deepest gratitude Danielle cbd cbd cbd
