Saturday, 30 May 2015



Dear Ones, Many of us look for love outside of ourselves...the biggest blessing is when we can live our lives truly loving and accepting ourselves.


Monday, 18 May 2015

Join Master Sha for a Journey To The Heart Of Tao

As Master Sha is less present on the Saturday and Sunday Blessings, I realise with each passing day how much Master Sha has been gifting all of us these past years.

To be in Master Sha's presence, weather it is for a few minutes or for a retreat, is in itself a great blessing for our soul journeys and lives.
The healing and blessing that is made available at those times is quiet unique.

I welcome everyone to join Master Sha 's Hawaii events as this is the last webcast event possible for a long time.

Master Sha has adjusted the start and end time of the retreats so that he could serve all parts of the worlds timezones.
This is one way Master Sha expresses his love for all humanity.

With love and blessings,

Master Maya

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Soul Healing Miracles

Dearest Ones,
Please enjoy this radio show.
May blessings fill your life.
With love and light,
Master Maya

Master Maya - Tao Healing Miracle 05/14 by Soul Healing Miracle Journey | Spirituality Podcasts

Soul Healing Miracles Book Study - Session 29

Soul Healing Miracles Book Study - Session 29

Dear ones,
Please join me for session 29 of Soul Healing Miracles Book study Club and receive the blessing at the end of the video.
The blessing lasts 3 minutes. Please continue to receive the blessing and love.
With greatest love and compassion,
Master Maya