Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Create Your Dreams

Dear Beloved Friends,

As we approach the closing of 2015 and enter the new year, let us together hold the intention for our dreams for 2016.

We each have soul power beyond our own comprehension and can access this through the Tao Teachings of Master Sha.

I would suggest that from today through the 31st of December, to do this meditation daily for 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening. 

You could continue this practice till the first week of January for more benefits.

The last few days of the years are a very powerful time to clear out what we wish to let go of and start a new page.

Meditation for the New Year

Create a sacred space.
This can be as simple as lighting a candle and placing flower as an offering of your love to Heaven.

Close your eyes and meditate upon the year that has passed.
Give total gratitude for each experience  happy or challenging, and for the opportunities to grow through them.
Allow the memories to pass, and with each one send love and forgiveness.

Then offer your love to your own soul heart mind and body.
See love, in the form of pink, golden or crystal light, radiate throughout your being.
Then radiate the light out into your entire being and life.

Listen to your own heart beat. 
Feel your every breath.
You enter into the condition, which is simply to open the soul, heart, mind and body.

Ask your Yuan Shen soul , which is your Higher Self, or Original Soul, to guide you to know what to ask blessings to be created for your new year.

Some of us may request to become more loving and to love ourselves more.
Some may be looking for how to serve in a bigger way.
Some may be searching for your true love.
Some  may ask to increase purity and alignment with the Divine.
Some want to open spiritual channels.... 

The key is to ask for what will bring happiness and health.
When our prayers are for service, and selfless, they are always heard and blessed many more times than can be imaged.

Please choose 3 requests.
Now visualise yourself, as though having that which you have requested to be blessed.
Feel and see how you would feel, how life would be, once your prayer has been answered.
Hold this intention with all of your love within your heart.

Now send your love and compassion to your request.
Feel how many people and souls would benefit once you accomplished it.

The Divine and your spiritual fathers and mothers are blessing you.
They are offering you their greatest love and compassion.
Light emanates throughout your entire being.

For the next few minutes, simply sit and receive their blessing.
Transform any expectation into gratitude, that your prayer is being heard.

Sit and hold the Divine's love and light within your hearts for as long as you wish.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

Please close the practice with:
Hao Hao Hao
Thank you thank you thank you
Gong Song Gong song Gong Song.

I wish for each of you to have great joy, good health and to live your dreams in 2016.

With greatest love and blessings,
Master Maya 

Erschaffe deine Träume

Liebe Freunde,

wir nähern uns dem Ende von 2015 und gehen in das neue Jahr. Lasst uns dem Ziel unserer Träume für das Jahr 2016 Raum geben.

Wir alle haben Seelenkraft, die über unser eigenes Verständnis hinausgeht, und können sie durch die Taolehren von Master Sha auch anwenden.

Ich möchte vorschlagen, diese Meditation täglich für 10-15 Minuten am Morgen und Abend, ab heute und bis zum 31. Dezember, zu üben.

Um noch mehr davon zu haben, könntest du diese Übung bis zur ersten Januar-Woche fortsetzen.

Die letzten Tage der Jahre sind eine sehr mächtige Zeit um auszuräumen, was wir loslassen möchten und um eine neue Seite aufzuschlagen.
Meditation für das Neue Jahr
Schaffe einen heiligen Raum.
Dies kann so einfach sein wie das Anzünden einer Kerze und das Arrangieren von Blumen als Opfergabe deiner Liebe an den Himmel.

Schließe deine Augen und 
meditiere über das vergangene Jahr.
Schenke jeder Erfahrung völlige Dankbarkeit, egal ob sie glücklich oder herausfordernd war, danke für die Gelegenheiten, durch sie zu wachsen.
Erlaube den Erinnerungen weiterzuziehen und gib jeder Liebe und Vergebung mit.

schenke deiner eigenen Seele, deinem eigenen Herz, Geist und Körper deine Liebe. 
Sieh Liebe, in Form von rosafarbenem, goldenem oder kistallfarbenem Licht, das durch dein ganzes Wesen strahlt.
Dann strahle das Licht aus in dein ganzes Sein und Leben.

Höre deinen eigenen Herzschlag.
Spüre jeden Atemzug.
Du gehst in den Zustand, einfach Seele, Herz, Geist und Körper zu öffnen.
Bitte deine Yuan Shen Seele, die dein Höheres Selbst, deine Originale Seele ist, dich zu führen, um zu wissen, um welchen Segen für das neue Jahr du bitten solltest.

Einige von uns könnten bitten, liebevoller zu werden und sich selbst mehr zu lieben.
Einige könnten danach suchen, wie sie auf größere Weise dienen könnten.
Einige könnten nach der wahren Liebe suchen.
Manche mögen bitten, die Reinheit und Ausrichtung auf das Göttliche zu erhöhen.
Einige möchten, dass sich die spirituellen Kanäle öffnen ....
Der Schlüssel ist, um das zu bitten, was Glück und Gesundheit bringt.
Wenn unsere Gebete für das Dienen sind, und selbstlos sind, dann werden sie immer gehört und öfter gesegnet als man sich vorstellen kann.

Bitte wähle 3 Wünsche.
Jetzt stelle dir vor, dass du das hättest, was du dir gewünscht hast.
Fühle und beobachte, wie du dich fühlen würdest, wie das Leben sein würde, sobald dein Gebet erhört worden ist. Halte dies mit all deiner Liebe in deinem Herzen.

Nun sende deine Liebe und dein Mitgefühl zu deinem Wunsch.
Fühle, wie vielen Menschen und Seelen es gut tun würde, wenn du es erreicht hättest.
Das Göttliche und deine spirituellen Väter und Mütter segnen dich.
Sie schenken dir ihre größte Liebe und ihr größtes Mitgefühl.
Licht strömt aus deinem ganzen Wesen.

Für die nächsten paar Minuten, sitze einfach nur da und empfange ihren Segen.
Verwandele jegliche Erwartung in Dankbarkeit dafür, dass dein Gebet gehört wird.

Sitze und halte die göttliche Liebe und das göttliche Licht in deinem Herzen, so lange du möchtest.

Wenn du fertig bist, dann öffne deine Augen.

Bitte beende die Übung mit:
Hao Hao Hao
Danke, danke, danke
Gong Song, Gong Song, Gong Song.

Ich wünsche jedem von euch große Freude, Gesundheit und dass du deine Träume im Jahr 2016 lebst.

Mit größter Liebe und Segen,
Master Maya

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Meditation of Love

of Love

Take time each day to love yourself. 

Sit and meditate, by asking your love to bless your soul heart mind and body. 
As you sit in meditation, visualise pink light from your heart chakra bathing you, from head to toe. 
Feel your own immense capacity to love. 
Go deeply into the condition. 
Experience the beauty of your heart and souls love.
Continue to do this for 5- 10 minutes.

Now expand this love by calling the Divine's Love, then Tao's Love, then Source's Love to bless you. 
Each time, see the light expand and feel this profound love. 
For when you receive their love, you become the channel of their love and your love intensifies to become Divine Love.

Your love grows to the love of the Divine's love, the Tao's love & the Source's love. 
Meditate for another 5-10 minutes, the longer the more benefits you receive.

Once you are ready, open your eyes and thank the Divine, Tao and Source. Thank your heart and soul.

Do this simple, yet life changing practice each day, preferably in the morning before your daily activities and at night before falling asleep.

One day we may realise that loving ourselves is what we have been looking for our whole lives. 
For each time we have searched for love outside of ourselves, or looked for others to complete us, was to fulfil the empty void within ourselves where our own self love belongs.

For when we truly love ourselves, we can receive the fullness of love from others and in return give love to others freely.

Through loving ourselves, we can more deeply open our hearts and souls to become one with the Divine's Love.

I love you with all my heart and soul.

der Liebe

Nimm dir jeden Tag Zeit, dich selbst zu lieben.

Setze dich hin und meditiere, indem du deine Liebe bittest, deine Seele, dein Herz, deinen Geist und deinen Körper zu segnen.
Stelle dir während der Meditation vor von Kopf bis Fuß im rosafarbenen Licht deines Herzchakras zu baden.
Fühle deine eigene große Fähigkeit zu lieben.
Lass dich tief darauf ein.
Erlebe die Schönheit der Liebe deines Herzens und deiner Seele.
Mache das 5 bis 10 Minuten lang.

Jetzt erweitere diese Liebe, indem du die Göttliche Liebe, dann Taos Liebe, dann die Liebe der Quelle anrufst dich zu segnen.
Sieh jedes Mal wie das Licht sich ausdehnt und fühle jedes Mal diese tiefe Liebe.
Denn wenn du ihre Liebe empfängst, dann wirst du zum Kanal ihrer Liebe und deine Liebe verstärkt sich, um schließlich Göttliche Liebe zu werden.

Deine Liebe wächst bis zur Göttlichen Liebe, zu Taos Liebe & zur Liebe der Quelle.
Meditiere für weitere 5-10 Minuten, je länger du fortfährst, desto mehr gewinnst du.

Wenn du fertig bist, dann öffne die Augen und danke dem Göttlichen, dem Tao und der Quelle. Danke deinem Herzen und deiner Seele.

Führe diese einfache aber lebensverändernde Übung jeden Tag durch, am besten morgens vor deinen alltäglichen Aktivitäten und abends vor dem Einschlafen.

Eines Tages können wir erkennen, dass uns selbst zu lieben, das ist, wonach wir unser ganzes Leben gesucht haben.
Denn jedes Mal, wenn wir Liebe außerhalb von uns selbst suchten oder nach anderen, um uns zu vervollständigen, dann ging es darum den leeren Raum in uns aufzufüllen, in den unsere eigene Selbstliebe gehört.

Denn wenn wir uns wirklich lieben, dann können wir die Fülle der Liebe von anderen aufnehmen und Liebe an andere frei zurückgeben.

Indem wir uns selbst lieben, können wir unsere Herzen und Seelen weiter öffnen um mit der Göttlichen Liebe eins zu werden.

Ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen und von ganzer Seele.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Divine Healing Hands Blessing

Divine Healing Hands 
A Path of Divine Service  

Excerpt from Divine Healing Hands Book

''The purpose of life is to serve. I have committed my life to this purpose. Service is my life mission.
My total life mission is to transform the consciousness of humanity and all souls in all universes, and enlighten them, in order to create love, peace, and harmony for humanity, Mother Earth, and all universes.  ''

Divine Healing Hands are for your journey of unconditional service.

Please receive Divine Healing Hands blessings:

Soul Wisdom Practices with Master Maya 12/17 by Soul Healing Miracle Journey | Spirituality Podcasts

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Seeing The Light

Challenges are there to be overcome.

Any challenges we face are our opportunity to learn, to grow, to mature spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

They are there to help us become wiser and to find out where our weaknesses are so that we can transform them and develop our strengths.

I have believed this my whole life.  Everything we believe becomes our truth.

Challenges teach us deeper humility, respect and how to love and forgive more.

Only we can take the steps to true change.
The best teacher cannot make us change when we are not ready to.
The teacher opens the door, we take the steps in.

Here is a practice that could help you.

Body Power
Sit up straight and place both palms on your lower abdomen, relaxing your body. 
Take a few deep breaths in and out.

Mind Power
Place your mind within your message center visualising rays of light shining from a crystal ball within your heart chakra. 
The light becomes brighter and brighter, spreading within your body and then radiating 360 degrees into the universe.

Soul Power
Dear my beloved spiritual fathers and mothers in heaven and on mother earth.
May I humbly ask your blessings to transform my challenge of  ..... (make a request).
Please open my heart and soul to healing and transformation.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Dear my Yuan Shen, I love you.
You are Tao within me.
I ask your blessings for transforming my challenge.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Then chant for 10- 15 minutes

Yuan Shen blesses me
Yuan Shen blesses me
Yuan Shen blesses me
Yuan Shen blesses me

Yuan Shen opens my heart and soul
Yuan Shen opens my heart and soul
Yuan Shen opens my heart and soul
Yuan Shen opens my heart and soul

Close by saying
Hao Hao Hao
Thank you Thank you Thank you.

May this practice and blessing open the doors of your heart to great transformation.
The spiritual journey is the most blessed of journeys.
Love you.Love you. Love you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Tao Song Mantra for the First Chakra

Tao Song Mantra's for developing the first soul house which is the first chakra, are key for a strong foundation to balance emotions, self heal, to calm your mind, reduce stress , develop your self confidence, stability and more.
I wish you many benefits from this practice.
Please share with your loved ones.
Love you, Love you Love you.
Master Maya 


Soul Wisdom Practices with Master Maya 11/12 by Soul Healing Miracle Journey | Spirituality Podcasts

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Your True Nature

Each time I come to write a post on my blog, it takes me time to gather the experiences of the week and find the best way to communicate them with all you.

I try to find the best way to deliver what the reader is looking for.

Today i realised deeper that the only way to serve is to be oneself.

It is through our true nature that the Divine, Tao, our Spiritual fathers and mothers can work through us, bringing the blessings and wisdom to humanity and wan ling.

For me, the best example of this teaching, is Master Sha. 
Master Sha is Master Sha wherever he is, when is teaching, blessing, working,  and more.
Master Sha has gained the trust of countless souls, not only of human beings, but of souls from all layers of Heaven and the Source.
One of the reasons is Master Sha's authenticity and deep integrity in every aspect of life.

One of the greatest challenges I have encountered that people struggle with,  is the inability to be their 'true self'. This often is a deep longing of their souls.

Let us do a spiritual practice to transform the blockages preventing us from being our true selves.

Body Power:
Place one palm in your lower abdomen, one palm on your heart chakra.

Soul Power:
Dear Divine
Dear all my spiritual fathers and mothers
Dear Divine forgiveness
I love honor and respect you.
Please forgive my ancestors and i for all the mistakes we have made that prevented others form being their 'True Nature'
We forgive all souls who have ever hurt or harmed us that prevented us from developing the confidence to express our true nature.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Mind Power: 
Visualise rainbow light radiating in your heart chakra, transforming the blockages to light.

Sound Power:
Chant 'Divine Forgiveness' for 10 -15 minutes.

Then close with: 
Hao Hao Hao
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Your true self, also known as your Yuan Shen, resides within your Ling Gong.
The Ling Gong is your soul temple, in between the heart chakra and the physical heart.

To see your Yuan Shen is to advance on your soul journey beyond words.
We will do practices to see our Yuan Shen next time.

Practice as often as possible.

You are most loved and blessed.
Master Maya 

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Living Divine Relationships: Soul Communication with your Shi Fu

Living Divine Relationships: A book is a gift of pure love and deep wisdom for the spiritual journey.
May it bless and open your heart and soul further.

Excerp from Living Divine Relationships

The actual relationship between your soul and your Shi Fu is most holy and sacred. It is holy because it is of the heavens. It is sacred because it is part of the most treasured aspects of the Divine and is to be treated accordingly. “Holy” is being part of the whole, the Oneness. It is our direct connection to the Oneness through our saint, our special guide, our Shi Fu. “Sacred” implies being treated in a most special manner, with care and devotion.

Do Soul Communication with your Shi Fu

Body Power: Soul Light Era Prayer position. Left hand on heart chakra and right hand in prayer position.
Soul Power: Dear Jesus, I love honour and appreciate you. (choose name of any spiritual father or mother ), what is your message for me today?
Mind power: Visualize golden light in the area of your heart chakra. See your heart chakra filled with golden light pouring into your heart chakra from all directions. Visualize the light becoming brighter.
Sound Power: chant 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...' for 3 to 5 minutes. Or chant your soul song. Then start doing soul communication by receiving the message from Jesus.
It may start with 'Hao, My beloved son or daughter' . It may start with 'Dear ... you name  ... i love you. ... '
Do soul communication at every opportunity. You can use soul communication with your Shi Fu's for any aspect of life.
I wish you great openings in your spiritual channels!
With love and blessings,
Master Maya