Thursday, 26 December 2013

The Closing of Divine Karma Cleansing

Humanity has been so extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to have their major negative karma cleansed since 2003.

The end of 2013 is the very last time to receive karma cleansing. 

Negative karma can deeply affect your life and soul journey. I have met people who did not fully recognise how their negative karma could be affecting them.
I will share some of these ways with you now.

Personal karma is the mistakes you have personally made in this or past lives. This is the personal lessons we are to learn and the aspects within ourselves that we work hard to transform. 
However,due to the negative karma, these could be quiet challenging to recognise ourselves and clearing your personal karma could bring deeper self realisation.

Ancestral karma is the karma you carry on behalf of your ancestors. We carry a part of our ancestors good and negative karma. This is quiet easy to recognise as you can connect soul to soul and feel if your mothers or fathers side ancestors carry heavy negative karma. Most people can feel this instinctively as a like bearing a 'weight on their shoulders'.

Emotional karma reveals itself through emotional imbalances : excessive worry, anger, irritability,sadness , guilt,lack of self confidence and self love, shame,oversensitivity and much more

Mental karma reveals itself through mental imbalance such as: lack of mental clarity, concentration and focus challenges,weak memory, inflexibility,negative thoughts about oneself or others and much more

Relationship karma reveals itself in challenges in your relationships. Our relationships greatly affect every aspect of our lives. You may even have a positive relationship that could become more challenged when the karma between you and the other person becomes more active.Once this karma is cleared, you could experience greater peace and harmony in your relationships.

These are some of the major types of negative karma that could affect your life. I wish you will take this great and final opportunity to receive Divine and Source karma cleansing. We cannot be grateful enough for the 10 years that the Divine has so generously opened this once in a lifetime opportunity to all of us.

I welcome you to write your experiences about the benefits of receiving karma cleansing below.

With love and light,
Master Maya

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Radio Show Episode 3: Healing Self Love blockages

Self Love is a blockage for millions of people in humanity. Self love is key for happiness and success in every aspect of life, including health, relationships, finances and the soul journey.
A lack of self love is connected to believing in yourself, self image, self confidence, self worth , self esteem and more.
In this radio program, i am delighted to lead you to do a practice to heal and transform self love soul mind body blockages.
Receive a Divine blessing for healing self love challenges.
Share with your friends and loved ones.
I welcome you to share your experiences below.

New Spirituality Podcasts with My Soul Healing Miracles on BlogTalkRadio

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Radio Show Episode 2: Soul Healing Journey for Purifying Soul,Heart, Mind and Body


In this show, I am honored to introduce the 4 power techniques and forgiveness practice and how it can transform your life. I look forward to read your comments!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Live stream Teaching 1: The power of forgiveness practice


I welcome you to experience the power of forgiveness practice with the Source Calligraphy to transform all life. 
Thank you, thank you, Thank you.
Love you, Love you, Love you.

I look forward to reading your comments!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Radio Show Episode 1: Soul Healing Miracles for Purifying Soul, Heart, Mind and Body with Master Maya Mackie

In this show, I am honored to introduce my new live weekly radio show and offer a teaching and practice on the importance of gratitude and how it can transform your life.

I look forward to reading your sharing!

Friday, 29 November 2013

Soul Enlightenment

Soul enlightenment is a blessing beyond words and comprehension.
I remember the excitement in my heart and soul the very first time I heard that Master Sha could offer soul enlightenment.

Soul enlightenment is to uplift your soul in Heaven.
This usually takes hundreds and thousands of lifetimes of total unconditional service, with unconditional love forgiveness compassion and light to humanity and all souls for a soul to be uplifted in Heaven by the Divine.
An enlightened soul needs to carry a very high level of purity to be uplifted in Heavens realms by the Divine.
An enlightened soul carries the qualities of love,forgiveness, kindness,compassion, purity,grace, honestly, sincerity, humility, service, generosity and much more.
All the Saints, Buddha’s, enlightened Master’s, Angels,Prophet's and more in history are our great examples of enlightened beings.
They offered unconditional service to bring love peace and harmony to humanity.
Now,Master Sha is offering humanity the opportunity to receive soul enlightenment, which deeply purifies and instantly uplifts your soul.
Your body soul moves up from your lower abdomen into your message centre (heart chakra) because of the lifetimes of Heavens virtue that Master Sha's blessing releases to your soul.
This is one of the fastest ways to purify your soul.
This is one of the most priceless opportunities for your soul journey.
The qualities of an enlightened soul will awaken within you in a very special way.
Humanity has waited so long to reach soul enlightenment, and this gift has finally arrived.
I am so grateful to the Divine, to the Tao and to Master Sha.
I am so excited for humanity to receive this incredible gift.
I invite you all to receive this most precious gift for yourself and your loved ones.
Please watch Master Sha's introduction to soul enlightenment video to gain deeper wisdom into this most sacred blessing for your soul journey.
Love you. Love you. Love you
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Master Maya 


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Forgiveness is the golden key to making your dreams come true

Every step on ones journey through life is milestone to finding inner peace.

Make those steps joyous and full of love

Make those steps with forgiveness as you face any challenge

Make those steps your souls truth

Enter each day listening to the sacred calling within your heart to be the shining light you were created to be

Or the journey may not be your dream come true

Master Sha is giving us the opportunity to make our dreams come true through clearing our karma, through receiving the blessings that open the door to the dreams we hold within our hearts and souls.

I would like to share an extract for the 'soul power' from Master Sha's newest book 'Soul Healing Miracles' to self clear your karma which transforms the challenges you may be facing

Body Power:

Place one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your message centre (heart chakra) 

Soul Power:

Dear Divine,
Dear Tao, The Source,
I love you, honour you, and appreciate you.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for all the mistakes we have made in all lifetimes.
I am deeply sorry from the bottom of my heart for all of these mistakes.
In order to be forgiven, i will serve unconditionally
To chant and meditate is to serve.
I will chant and meditate as much as i can.
I will offer unconditional service as much as i can.
I am extremely grateful.
Thank you.

Mind power:

Visualise a lotus flower radiating brightest golden light in your message centre blessing you and every aspect of your life.

Sound power:

Greatest forgiveness
Greatest forgiveness
Greatest forgiveness
Greatest forgiveness

Da Kuan Shu  (means Greatest Forgiveness)

Da Kuan Shu
Da Kuan Shu
Da Kuan Shu

Chant for 15 to 30 minutes

Go into the condition of Greatest Forgiveness

All the spiritual fathers and mothers connected to greatest forgiveness will bless you

Forgiveness is the golden key to self clear your negative karma

Practice forgiveness daily and experience the deep transformation within your life.

Please share your experience with this simple practice so others can benefit also. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

The power of your thoughts.

Our thoughts have great power to create.
Each positive thought creates good karma.
Each negative thought creates a blockage within your soul heart mind body and life, which is negative karma.

The truth is that nothing can be hidden from Heaven.

Every thought is recorded in Heaven.

As a child,my mother used to always tell me to be careful what i think because God could hear all my thoughts, so i grew up very aware if i had negative thought.

I immediately would apologise, even as a child.

Later on in my life when had the honour to meet Master Sha, he taught us to apologise to the Divine when we had a negative thought.

Why ? What is the significance of our thoughts?

Each thought creates our words and actions.
Therefor to transform your negative thoughts is to deeply purify and align to God light.

To transform negative thoughts words or actions is to purify on a very deep level.
This entails seeing all that wants to be transformed within you. 
When you enter into this sacred consciousness- freedom can enter your soul as all is embraced by Gods light.

Receiving soul healing blessings is one of the most powerful ways to purify the thoughts that may be blocking your journey.

Open your heart and this blessing of Gods light through Master Sha.

Make a request:

Dear Master Sha,
Dear Gods Light,
I love ,honour and appreciate you.
Please purify my thoughts into loving, forgiving and compassionate thoughts.
I am so grateful.
Thank you.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Soul Enlightenment

Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or simply the Buddha,
sat under the bodhi tree and made a vow to Heaven that he would not leave this place until he reached enlightenment.
He had been seeking enlightenment, and fasted and meditated for a very long periods of time, and endured very heavy spiritual testing.
Finally, one day he had a great realisation and reached soul enlightenment.
This means his soul was uplifted in Heaven.
He then known as the Buddha. 
This is one example of a soul who endured great struggles, abandoning his life as a Prince to serve unconditionally throughout his life in order to reach enlightenment.

We now have the opportunity to receive soul enlightenment with one blessing through Master Sha.
I have been seeking enlightenment all my life and am so honoured to receive further soul enlightenment for myself and my loved ones as we take the steps forward on our soul journeys.
This is the opportunity each one of us is given at the upcoming Tao retreats.
This will be the last year that soul enlightenment will be offered.
This is an opportunity never seen on mother earth before.
One's soul goes from a human soul standing to a saints soul standing.
There really are no words to express my gratitude.
My soul is eternally grateful.
I cannot thank Master Sha and Heaven enough for opening such incredible opportunities for humanity and all souls.